Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sick day

I didn't get to go to yoga this morning. I stayed home with strep, not a horrible case, just bad enough to make talking painful.  So I planted myself on the couch and didn't do much.  Ok so maybe I got a little cleaning done, and I did play with some fiber. Remember that felted blue fiber?
While sitting on my rear I thought, "Perhaps carding it will fix it."
Guess what? It did:

Isn't it pretty?!
So I spun for a little while, but I only have a spindle, and I feel rollags (what you get if you card fiber) work better on a wheel. I can't go to HCW because I'm sick and contagious, but not sick enough to spin on a wheel at home. I really want my own wheel.
Ah well, I've got antibiotics, and I should be better by tomorrow, Thursday at the latest.

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