On Sunday I got up fairly early, made even more early by having spent the previous night at Wurstfest, and headed back into Boerne. I got there just in time to pull out my wheel and set up at the Spinner’s Workshop.
This is not my wheel, but it's pretty. |
Fiber I brought and wanted to try out. |
Of the different fibers we tried, the sari silk and the flax left the biggest impression. I carded and spun some of the sari silk I’d bought months ago. It had scared me, I loved the colors but I was afraid of messing it up. Being in a class setting gave me the courage to give it a try. Spinning flax, which once spun is called linen, was very different from anything I’d tried before. You spin flax wet, which kind of blows my mind. Spun dry it’s really hairy; spun wet it’s not nearly as fuzzy and much stronger. The class covered how flax is made but, while it was interesting, the earliness of the hour had an affect on my retention. It's from a plant. We'll leave it at that.
After class I had a quick bite to eat then headed back for my last class of Kid N Ewe, Spinning with Cotton. We were greeted with a bag of goodies, a tahkli spindle, and a bowl or glass of some sort.
Bag o' cotton and little bitty spindle. |
The tahkli is a supported spindle; you attach a leader, set it in a bowl and spin it like a top. It feels different from a drop spindle because instead of holding the fiber and pulling downward with gravity, you pull up and away from the spindle. Unlike a wheel or a drop spindle, the only pull on the fiber is the spinner. This causes a tendency to over spin, which is helpful with such a short staple length.
I love how small and portable the tahkli is, and when I got back to Austin I spun on it for quite a while. By the third day of spinning, my left wrist was telling me to take a break. Like any other spinning that I’ve obsessed over, you can hurt yourself if you do it for too long. I’ve backed off but I already have a few baby skeins.
Aren't they cute? |
I'm going to be really honest and admit that when I first started reading Yarn Harlot's post about gift knitters, I was a little annoyed. There is some division she's trying to create between "regular" people and "gift knitters" in which it seems as though the gift knitters are somehow more special and thoughtful than "regular" people.
HOWEVER, when she started talking about how the gift knitter feels as though there is no choice in the matter, and that "Sure as a nightingale has to sing, a gift knitter must knit..." I could relate. See, I, as someone who also likes to make things by hand (even if it's not knitted), know what it is to put so much time and love and every bit of yourself into something you make for someone else.
I also know that no one will ever know how many hours I spend tweaking that one font or hand cutting that cardstock because I couldn't find the perfect size and my paper cutter broke or editing that one photo I wanted to print for a thing I was making because it has to be just so (in paint or word, mind you, because I don't have photoshop) or whatever. Also, I'll never ever admit how long it takes me to do any of those things because frankly it's embarrassing.
But the point is, I can see what she's saying. That we do these things that no one will ever understand and we are compelled to do so for reasons unknown even to us. And even if Yarn Harlot doesn't realize that maybe others create things just as time consuming as she does, I've learned that the fact of the matter is it doesn't matter if anyone realizes or appreciates how long it takes us to do any of the things we do because we do them out of love. And if one is really creating out of love, that makes it all worth it.
Love Erin's comment.
Your baby skeins are super cute! The spinning looks beautiful, too.
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