Thursday, October 20, 2011

Yarn Crawl wrap up

So I didn’t win the grand prize. Nor did I win any of the prizes at the shops. I am slightly disappointed, but all the goodies that were given as gifts and all the fiber and yarn I got made going on the Yarn Crawl more than worth it.

Here’s the haul


Yarn I bought:

Yarn I was given:

Random extra gifts:

And now I’m looking forward to Kid ‘n Ewe. I’m hoping I can convince DH that he really wants to spend three days in Boerne. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Wowzers, that is a haul! What do you plan on doing with all that?

Haha, good luck with Kid 'n Ewe. Haha, what a great name!